Mid-Life Ramblings; Sanity Optional

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Happy Birthday, DixiePeach!

Today is DixiePeach's birthday. I met Dix on a message board we belong to just over three years ago. She was one of the first there to make me feel welcome and we became fast friends. Then a year ago last November, I was fortunate enough to participate in the Peach Pilgrimage to Corinth, Mississippi, to spend a weekend with Dix and other friends from all over the country. There was driving on Elvis' sidewalk, getting fussed at by Elvis' security guard, chats into the wee hours of the morning, and lots of Corky's pork involved that weekend. It was a weekend of fun and sisterhood and truly one of the best weekends of my life. Dix is responsible for my starting this blog nearly a year ago.

I'm very blessed to have a friend like Dix. We can call each other up and just laugh and talk as if we've seen each other just yesterday. We're only just over a month apart in age and very much alike in many ways.

Dix, I love you to pieces and hope that your birthday is filled with happiness, joy, and some chocolate and red velvet cake. MWAH!


  • At 1:30 PM, Blogger Dixie said…

    Oh goodness. This is wonderful. You're so sweet to do this for me!

    I'm so glad we're friends - it means the world to me!

    Gonna have to hug you again soon.

  • At 6:06 PM, Blogger thatfarmgirl said…

    Happy Birthday Dixie Peach. Gotta love a pic with chocolate cake AND sock monkeys!


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