Mid-Life Ramblings; Sanity Optional

Monday, November 20, 2006

Well, I'm not scratching, so the itch part must not be true.

Happy 7th Anniversary to E and Me!

That's right. Seven years ago today, E and I walked down the aisle at the Strand Theatre in my hometown and got married. I still can't believe how fast the years have flown by. Bless his little heart, E moved down here just to be with me. That in itself was a huge committment. But then to stay married to me all this time and to want to keep that up is pretty cool.

Not that we don't have our ups and downs. Shoot, we had a big ol' fuss on Saturday. For a little while that afternoon, neither one of us liked each other very much. But when it was all over and the apologies were accepted, we headed out to the Scottish Highland Games up in Jackson, LA, and had ourselves a blast. Those guys held their first games on the day we got married and we've been trying to make it up there every year since. We got to hear some great tunes from Henri's Notions and Smithfield Fair (who were awesome!). We were able to eat some fish without chips as the booth was out. (That's what we get for arriving in mid-afternoon). It was a wonderful afternoon.

I expect that today will be low-key for us both as we're each working. Tonight we'll probably eat out an a not-so-fancy restaurant and recall highlights of the past seven years. No Seven Year Itch for either of us. We're happy to be where we are right now.
Ours is not the perfect life but it is a good life.
The fact that we work hard at maintaining our marriage through respect and communication is what helps make it good. It feels wonderful to be able to say at this point that ours is a good life.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

Today is a great day to be a Democrat! When I got out of bed this morning, the air smelled sweeter and I realized it was the scent of hope - something I hadn't smelled in just over six years.

I'm exhausted from working 14 hours at the polls yesterday but no one can wipe this stupid grin off my face. We won the House. Once the votes have been finalized in Virginia, we will have the Senate - which was totally unexpected. Rumsfeld just resigned. Bu$h is about to officially a Lame Duck. Nancy Pelosi has just made history by becoming the first female Speaker of the House. Somebody pinch me because it feels like Christmas.

Our precinct had only an 18% turnout on September 30th but we made 30% last night. Now I know that comparatively that's still a low number but realistically it's great. It meant that people were paying attention and they got out to vote.

Now that doesn't mean the Dems get to skate on their laurels. Oh no. It's time to roll up the sleeves, sit down at the table, and come up with a good, solid plan that projects this country forward.

But they can do that tomorrow. Today it's still Christmas.