Mid-Life Ramblings; Sanity Optional

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Want to see my toe?

I broke it last night. I did this while carrying my cucumber salad to my chair to eat dinner. Trust me, the picture doesn't do it justice.


It's the first broken bone I've ever had. Almost made it 45 years without a broken bone. I come from a family filled with people who slam their toes into things and break them - my mom, my sister, my brother, and now me. You'd think that by now we'd have learned to wear shoes more often. Nope, not us. I'm sitting here with no shoes on now. I know. I'm a dufus.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Our Federal tax dollars at work

Here's the link to the newest TSA regulations on what is allowed to be in your carryon luggage on airplanes.

I'd like to call your attention to this section:

Non-prescription liquid or gel medicines like cough syrup and gel cap type pills - Up to 4 oz. of essential non-prescription liquid medications
Carryon Yes
Checked Yes

Personal lubricants - Up to 4 oz.

Carryon Yes
Checked Yes

Safety Razors - including disposable razors.
Carryon Yes
Checked Yes

Saline solution - You are allowed to carry up to 4 oz., of eye drops with you. Volumes greater than 4 oz., are only permitted in your checked baggage.

Carryon No
Checked Yes

Am I the only one that thinks the TSA doesn't understand that I'm much more likely to have an emergency involving saline solution than I am involving personal lubricants?